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Writer's pictureBetsy Khuri


That's right, you can go to camp too! The last two weekends of July I will be teaching two, three day workshops in Hayesville, North Carolina. I'll be hosted by Bell Moon Arts, a female forward art retreat and a wonderful place to learn and grow.


Weekend workshops range from ceramics to cyanotype printing and painting with earth pigments. The offerings at Bell Moon Arts are ideal for novices and experienced artists alike, and we encourage the students to connect with the current resident artists and join in the family meal and extracurricular activities like yoga and meditation. Workshop students will sleep off-site, and Bell Moon Arts staff will help you find the perfect place in the nearby inn, local rental houses, or campsite to relax during your stay.


July 21-23 and July 28-30

Join us in this three day workshop as we explore clay handbuilding and a most important! We will learn to build a  self-portrait torso that will include symbolism, textures and story telling important to you. We will sketch and journal and and use all of our senses to develop several smaller functional vessels that represent our self exploration. If you are breathing you are qualified! Put aside self doubt and enjoy the creative energy and artful joy as you make new friends and, most importantly, acknowledge the artist in you.

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